School Assembly Testimonials

What grades are appropriate for this program?
Programs are available at all levels (K-12 and college classes too). The program is more participatory at the elementary levels. More history is included at the upper levels. If the audience contains both lower and upper levels, a more general approach will be used. Please call to discuss what is best for your needs.

How long is the assembly?
Preferably 50 minutes. If you have time flexibility, please allow for questions (especially 4th – 12th grades, college).

How much does it cost?
That depends on where you are and how many assemblies you book. The most popular format is 2 assemblies scheduled back-to-back, though you can request any number (1, 2, 3 or more). Please call or email with the name of your school, city, phone number and how many assemblies you’d like to consider. We’ll be happy to quote an appropriate fee. How and when do we pay?Usually with a check at the time of performance. Sometimes a deposit is requested.

How many assemblies can we get in one day?
Up to four large audience shows in a cafeteria/multi-purpose room or theater. If they are shorter in length (30 – 40 minutes), and for smaller audiences, possibly up to 7 shows. This has been done in middle school social studies classes, for example, in one classroom where the classes rotate in.

How many students can fit in one assembly?
It has to do with the size of the room. Your largest room is acceptable and the program will still hold the interest of the students, but dividing into 150-300 students per assembly is better than 500 or more. What time of day can you start?
 As early as your school day begins.


How long do you need to set up instruments?
45 – 50 minutes, with access to the stage during that time. The program uses many instruments; some require tuning and acclimatizing to your room. Tear down is much quicker, 10-15 minutes.

How much time do you need between each show?
If two shows only, I am ready as fast as you can empty and refill the room with students.


What if we don’t have a stage?
A stage is preferable but performing on the floor is sometimes necessary. Students will not see the clogging feet as well.


Can you perform in a gym?
Yes. It is usually not as good as other rooms because of the difficult sound conditions. Please indicate in advance if it will be in the gym.

Can we hold the performance outdoors?
Indoors is preferable. There can be many distractions outdoors and the weather can be unpredictable. Performing in full sun is never allowed for the artist or the instruments.

Do we need to provide a sound system and microphones?
Yes. A requirement sheet will be sent upon confirmation of a show. The sound requirements aren’t too hard to meet. Two mics on functioning mic stands is good. Corded mics are preferred over cordless mics.

Are there teacher prep materials?
Yes. Free teacher prep packet are sent with the invoice and requirements page, upon confirmation of a show. Please copy and share it with teachers, as it gives an idea of what will be included with ideas for pre and post discussion and activities in history, geography, social studies, etc.

Can we invite parents to watch the assembly?

Do you have recordings that relate to the show?
American folks songs for children are available on CDs and videos here and at the show. It is good to let the teachers know about this in advance so they can purchase if they wish. If a presentation would be better in the faculty lounge, please consider that possiblity. Also availalble: jaw harps and limberjacks.

Evo Bluestein School Programs and Fine Instruments